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Sumiko Haneda - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Dalian, Liaoning province, China
Doğum günü 1926-01-03
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir 羽田澄子


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Born 1926 in Dalian, China, Sumiko Haneda graduated from Jiyu Gakuen, and joined Iwanami Productions at its founding. She has been involved in over eighty documentaries, starting with Women’s College in the Village (1957). After The Cherry Tree with Gray Blossoms (1977) she took to independent filmmaking, and has made over ten films including Ode to Mt. Hayachine (1982), How to Care for the Senile (1986), Getting Old without Anxiety (1990) and Woman Was the Sun—The Life of Hiratsuka Raicho (2001). She participated as a juror in the International Competition in YIDFF ’99.


2002Devotion: A Film About Ogawa Productions as Self

Diğer Roller

2012そしてAKIKOは…~あるダンサーの肖像~ - Director
2011遥かなるふるさと 旅順・大連 - Director
2009嗚呼 満蒙開拓団 - Director
2007終りよければすべてよし - Director
2006あの鷹巣町のその後 - Director
2006あの鷹巣町のその後 - Editor
2004山中常盤ー牛若丸と常盤御前 母と子の物語ー - Director
2004山中常盤ー牛若丸と常盤御前 母と子の物語ー - Writer
2002元始、女性は太陽であった 平塚らいてうの生涯 - Director
1997住民が選択した町の福祉 - Director
1996女たちの証言 -「労働運動のなかの先駆的女性たち」 - Director
1992歌舞伎役者 片岡仁左衛門 - Director
1990安心して老いるために - Director
1986痴呆性老人の世界 - Director
1985AKIKO あるダンサーの肖像 - Director
1982A Ilha dos Amores - Dialogue
1982早池峰の賦 - Director
1982早池峰の賦 - Screenplay
1977薄墨の桜 - Director
1977薄墨の桜 - Editor
1977薄墨の桜 - Writer
1976いま原子力発電は - Director
1971法隆寺献納宝物 - Director
1971法隆寺献納宝物 - Screenplay
1968もんしろちょう-行動の実験的観察 - Director
1968もんしろちょう-行動の実験的観察 - Writer
1961恋の羊が海いっぱい - Writer
1958古代の美 - Director
1957村の婦人学級 - Director


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