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Erik de Zwart - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Amsterdam, Netherlands
Doğum günü 1957-06-16


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Erik de Zwart (Amsterdam, 16 June 1957) is a Dutch radio and television maker, former D.J., former Music Box, The Music Factory and MTV V.J. and media entrepreneur. De Zwart is the Dutch dubbing voice and narrator of the children's television series Thomas and Friends (Dutch title: Thomas de Stoomlocomotief).


2014Thomas & Friends: The Christmas Engines as Narrator (NL)
2013Leve boerenliefde as (voice)
2009Thomas de Stoomlocomotief - En de nieuwe Locomotief as Thomas
Thomas De Stoomlocomotief - De betrouwbare vriendjes van Thomas as Voice


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