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Ludwig Lippert - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Ludvig Lippert


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Diğer Roller

1929Napoleon auf St. Helena - Director of Photography
1928Der gefesselte Polo - Director of Photography
1927Hallo Caesar! - Director of Photography
1927Laster der Menschheit - Director of Photography
1926Die elf schillschen Offiziere - Director of Photography
1924Liebesbriefe der Baronin von S - Director of Photography
1923I.N.R.I. - Ein Film der Menschlichkeit - Camera Operator
1923Alles für Geld - Director of Photography
1923Maciste und die chinesische Truhe - Director of Photography
1915Enhver - Director of Photography
1913Katastrofen i Dokken - Director of Photography
1909Fra Elefanternes Land - Director


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