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Kim Dong-won - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum günü 1974-01-01
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir 김동원


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Born in 1974. Graduated from the Film Department at Seoul Institute of the Arts. With his short 81, Hae-jeok Became the Disco King, KIM won the Miraebol Award at the 25th Korean Independent Short Film Festival. Starting his professional career as a scripter to BONG Joon-hos Barking Dogs Never Bite (2000), he caught attention with his debut feature Bet on My Disco and received Critics Award at the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival in Japan. He completed his second feature Drifting Away .

Diğer Roller

2020시, 나리오 - Director
2020시, 나리오 - Writer
2011꼭 껴안고 눈물 핑 - Director
2011꼭 껴안고 눈물 핑 - Screenplay
2002해적, 디스코왕 되다 - Director
2002해적, 디스코왕 되다 - Story
2000플란다스의 개 - Script Supervisor


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