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Makoto Tsuboi - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Ayrıca şöyle bilinir 坪井誠


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Diğer Roller

1969“人妻" より 夜の掟 - Cinematography
1968新網走番外地 - Director of Photography
1968艶説 明治邪教伝 - Director of Photography
1967喜劇 団体列車 - Director of Photography
1967柳ヶ瀬ブルース - Director of Photography
1966五泊六日 - Cinematography
1965孤独の賭け - Director of Photography
1964刑事 - Cinematography
1964赤いダイヤ - Director of Photography
1964ジャコ萬と鉄 - Director of Photography
1962酔いどれ無双剣 - Director of Photography
1962ちいさこべ - Director of Photography
1962源氏九郎颯爽記 秘剣揚羽の蝶 - Director of Photography
1962若き日の次郎長 東海道のつむじ風 - Director of Photography
1961反逆児 - Director of Photography
1961若き日の次郎長東海一の若親分 - Cinematography
1961宮本武蔵 - Director of Photography
1961家光と彦左と一心太助 - Director of Photography
1960若き日の次郎長 東海の顔役 - Director of Photography
1960森の石松鬼より恐い - Director of Photography
1960続親鸞 - Cinematography
1959風雲児 織田信長 - Director of Photography
1959浪花の恋の物語 - Director of Photography
1959殿さま弥次喜多 捕物道中 - Cinematography
1959お役者文七捕物暦 蜘蛛の巣屋敷 1959 - Cinematography
1958浅間の暴れん坊 - Director of Photography
1958剣は知っていた 紅顔無双流 - Director of Photography
1958殿さま弥次喜多 怪談道中 - Cinematography
1958源氏九郎颯爽記 白狐二刀流 - Director of Photography
1958江戸の名物男 一心太助 - Cinematography
1957花吹雪 鉄火纏 - Cinematography
1957天狗街道 - Cinematography
1957喧嘩道中 - Cinematography
1957青雲の鬼 - Director of Photography
1956御存じ快傑黒頭巾 神出鬼没 - Cinematography
1956白扇 みだれ黒髪 - Director of Photography
1956若さま侍捕物手帖 地獄の皿屋敷 - Director of Photography
1955ふり袖小天狗 - Director of Photography
1955紅顔の若武者 織田信長 - Cinematography
1955ふり袖侠艶録 - Director of Photography


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