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Marios Piperides - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

2 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Nicosia, Cyprus
Doğum günü 1975-01-01
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Μάριος Πιπερίδης


Verdiğin oy:
Toplam: ( 0 skorlar)

Marios is a producer and managing director of Cyprus based AMP Filmworks. He holds an MFA in Film Production, BA in Broadcast Management and a BSC in Film Studies. He is an EAVE graduate and a member of the European and Greek Film Academies.

Diğer Roller

2024Κάμπια Νύμφη Πεταλούδα - Producer
2024Africa Star - Producer
2024Phoebe - Producer
2023Tel Aviv/Beirut - Producer
2022حمى البحر المتوسط - Producer
2021Lübnan Semaları - Line Producer
2019Αναζητώντας τον Χέντριξ - Director
2019Αναζητώντας τον Χέντριξ - Production Executive
2019Αναζητώντας τον Χέντριξ - Writer
2017Ρόζμαρι - Producer
2016Το Αγόρι στη Γέφυρα - Producer
2016Bourek - Producer
2011The Last Remaining Seats - Director
2011The Last Remaining Seats - Editor
2011The Last Remaining Seats - Producer
2011The Last Remaining Seats - Writer


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