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Cameron Beyl - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Portland, Oregon
Doğum günü 1985-12-28
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek


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Cameron Beyl is an award-winning director & writer of independent features, shorts, and documentaries. His work has been featured in numerous film festivals, museums and online media outlets like Sight & Sound, Vice Creators Project, Indiewire and Slate. His narrative works have claimed top festival honors, lauded for their striking visuals and resonant storytelling. His ongoing video essay project, THE DIRECTOR SERIES, has also established him as a prominent voice within online cinema scholarship circles. In 2019, he founded FilmFrontier, a production & distribution company that aims to become a platform for likeminded artists with bold visions.

Diğer Roller

2023The Veil - Director
2023The Veil - Producer
2023The Veil - Visual Effects
2023The Veil - Writer
2012Here Build Your Homes - Director
2012Here Build Your Homes - Editor
2012Here Build Your Homes - Writer
2009So Long, Lonesome - Director
2009So Long, Lonesome - Editor
2009So Long, Lonesome - Producer
2009So Long, Lonesome - Writer
2007The Architect - Director


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