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David Buck - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri London, England, UK
Doğum günü 1936-10-17
Ölüm 1989-01-27


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. David Buck (October 17, 1936—January 27, 1989) was an English actor. His most famous role was in the 1978 animated The Lord of the Rings movie, for which he provided the voice of Gimli. However, he had a memorable role as Royal Air Force Squadron Leader David "Scotty" Scott in the 1969 film Mosquito Squadron opposite David McCallum when his character was shot down during a low-level bombing raid over northern France in 1944 and assumed killed. Buck died of cancer in 1989. At the time of his death, he was married to the actress Madeline Smith of Up Pompeii and James Bond fame.


1982Siyah Kristal as Slave Master (voice)
1981Cry Freedom
1980Chance of a Lifetime as Major Ian Anderson
1979Henry V as Earl of Westmoreland
1979Henry IV Part 2 as Earl of Westmoreland
1979Henry IV Part 1 as Earl of Westmoreland
1978Yüzüklerin Efendisi as Gimli (voice)
1969Taste of Excitement as Paul Hedley
1969Mosquito Squadron as Sqn. Ldr. David Scott (Scotty)
1968Deadfall as Salinas
1967The Mummy's Shroud as Paul Preston
1966The Sandwich Man as Steven
1965The World of George Orwell: 1984 as Winston Smith
1963Dr. Syn, Alias the Scarecrow as Harry Banks
1963As You Like It as Oliver
1962The Cherry Orchard as Yasha


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