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Sara Kern - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Ljubljana, Slovenia
Doğum günü 1989-03-20


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Sara Kern (1989) is a Slovenian-Australian writer and director. She graduated in film directing from the University of Ljubljana, The Academy of Theatre, Film, Radio and Television in 2013. Kern worked as a screenwriter for Slovenian National Television’s Children and Youth Program for several years before moving to Australia.

Diğer Roller

2022Moja Vesna - Director
2022Moja Vesna - Writer
2020Vesna Goodbye - Director
2020Vesna Goodbye - Writer
2016Srečno, Orlo! - Director
2016Srečno, Orlo! - Writer
2014Nisem ji pomahala, ko se je odpeljala z busom, čeprav vem, da je pogledala ven - Writer
Pot stranpot - Director
Pot stranpot - Writer


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