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Herschel Sparber - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Gary, Indiana, USA
Doğum günü 1943-10-18
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Hershal Sparber
Hershel Sparber


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Herschel Sparber is an American actor known for his height, being 6 foot 9 inches (2.05 meters).


2023Shaky Shivers as Bob
2014Lucky Stiff as Bill Siller
2005Mystery Woman: Snapshot as Mayhem Man #1
2000Yakuza Kardeşliği as Geppetti's Bodyguard
2000Dish Dogs as E.J.
1997Savage as Allen Poe
1996Kuş Kafesi as Big Guy in Park
1995Gufi ile Oğlu as Security Guard (voice)
1992Guys and Dolls: Off the Record as Himself / Big Jule
1990Largo Desolato as 1st Man
1989Bloodhounds of Broadway as Big Shelley
1988Traxx as Guzik #1


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