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Tae Hang-ho - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Busan, South Korea
Doğum günü 1983-07-22
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir 태항호
Tae Hang Ho
Hang -ho Tae
Hang Ho Tae


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Tae Hang Ho is a South Korean actor who was born on July 22, 1983, in Busan, South Korea. He made his acting debut in stage plays, appearing in a 2010-2011 performance of “I Miss You.” He went on to make his drama series bow in “It's OK, This Is Love” in 2014, following up with “High-End Crush” in 2015.


2021Pipeline as Park Gap-sung / Big Shovel
2021이 안에 외계인이 있다 as Tae Ha-myung
2020결백 as Constable Yang
2019Rural outcasts as Sun ho / sun hui
2018인간, 공간, 시간 그리고 인간 as Gangster
2018Psikokinezi as President Min's Subordinate
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