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Ted Otis - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler


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2023Ostrov as Jimmy Holiday
2021Hırsızlar Ordusu as Snob
2019Amundsen as Lincoln Ellsworth
2018Beyzbolcu Casus as Radio Show Director
2016Vlk z královských Vinohrad as Immigration Commissioner
2016Murder of a President as Reporter
2015Woods as Norbert
1990Çizgi Ötesi as Medical Student (uncredited)
1979The Great Santini as Bus Passenger (uncredited)

Diğer Roller

1998Secrets of the CIA - Music
1998Secrets of the CIA - Producer
1998Secrets of the CIA - Sound Editor
1998Secrets of the CIA - Writer


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