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Zack Khalil - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum günü 1991-01-01


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Zack Khalil is a filmmaker and artist from Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, currently based in Brooklyn, New York. His work centers indigenous narratives in the present — and looks towards the future — through the use of innovative nonfiction forms.

Diğer Roller

2022AlienNATION [star spangled] - Director
2021Endless Acknowledgment - Director
2021What is Savage Philosophy - Director
2020Culture Capture: Crimes Against Reality - Director
2020Never Settle: Calling In - Director
2019Culture Capture: Terminal Adddition - Director
2018Empty Metal - Editor
2018The Violence of a Civilization without Secrets - Director
2018Culture Capture 001 - Director
2016INAATE/SE/ - Director
2016INAATE/SE/ - Director of Photography
2016INAATE/SE/ - Editor
2016INAATE/SE/ - Original Music Composer


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