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Line: 380
Gilles Bénardeau - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Gilles Benardeau


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Diğer Roller

2024Sem Coração - Sound Editor
2023Le Syndrome des amours passées - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2023Sages-femmes - Sound Mixer
2022Une mère - Sound
2022Kraken - Sound Mixer
2022Bir Zamanlar Sinema - Sound Designer
2020Cocteau - Al Brown: le poète et le boxeur - Sound
2019Lola vers la mer - Sound Mixer
2019Annelerimiz - Sound Editor
2019Port Authority - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2019White Noise - Music
2019Teret - Sound
2019Temblores - Sound Editor
2019A Land Imagined - Sound Mixer
2019Éthiopie, le mystère des mégalithes - Sound Mixer
2018Cassandro, the Exotico! - Sound Editor
2018Cassandro, the Exotico! - Sound Mixer
2018Entre les lignes - Sound Mixer
2018Seuls les pirates - Sound Mixer
2018Milla - Sound Mixer
2017Somniloquies - Sound Mixer
2017J'ai tué ma femme - Sound Mixer
2015Ayrık Otu - Foley Recordist
2015Ayrık Otu - Sound Mixer
2015Masaan - Sound Designer
2013Atlas - Sound
2012Nous sommes revenus dans l'allée des marronniers - Sound
2012Les Gouffres - Sound
2011Sur le départ - Sound Mixer
2011No Gravity - Sound Re-Recording Mixer
2011BEN / O - Sound Mixer
North - Sound Designer


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