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Ahmed Khaled Mousa - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Egypt
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir أحمد خالد موسى
Ahmed Khaled Mousa


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Ahmed Khaled Moussa is an Egyptian television director. He is known for directing television dramas. He debuted with the crime drama "Man El Gany?" (Who's The Convist?), which he also participated in developing the script for. He then went on to direct the ensemble-cast crime drama "Baad El Bedaya" (After The Beginning).

Diğer Roller

2023رمسيس باريس - Director
2023رمسيس باريس - Producer
2022خطة مازنجر - Producer
202130 مارس - Director
2020لص بغداد - Director
2017هروب إضطراري - Director
أرض زيكولا - Director


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