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Anatoly Petritsky - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri Kharkiv, Ukrainian SSR
Doğum günü 1931-12-14
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Анатолий Петрицкий


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Anatoly Petritsky is a Soviet and Russian cinematographer. Awarded the title of Merited Artist of the RSFSR in 1969. Graduate of Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography in Moscow. Notable projects include War and Peace, Mimino, and A Hunting Accident.

Diğer Roller

1984Время и семья Конвей - Cinematography
1981Было у отца три сына - Camera Operator
1978Мой ласковый и нежный зверь - Director of Photography
1977Мимино - Director of Photography
1976Soviel Lieder, soviel Worte - Cinematography
1969Каждый вечер в одиннадцать - Cinematography
1968Savaş ve Barış - Director of Photography
1967Savaş ve Barış IV - Director of Photography
1967Savaş ve Barış III - Director of Photography
1966Savaş ve Barış II - Director of Photography
1966Savaş ve Barış I - Director of Photography
1962Мой младший брат - Director of Photography


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