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Étienne Carton de Grammont - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri


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French cinematographer.

Diğer Roller

2011Dans le regard d'une bête - Camera Operator
2010Deux de la Vague - Director of Photography
2006Sonderauftrag Führermuseum - Cinematography
2003Fernand Pouillon, Le roman d'un architecte - Cinematography
1994Les noms n'habitent nulle part - Cinematography
1992Bonjour Monsieur Doisneau ou Le photographe arrosé - Cinematography
1992Les miettes du purgatoire - Cinematography
1984Les Immémoriaux - Cinematography
1983Finye - Director of Photography
1980Seye Seyeti - Director of Photography
1978Baara - Cinematography
1974La Folle de Toujane - First Assistant Camera


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