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Simon Plouffe - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Laval, Québec, Canada
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek


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Simon Plouffe lives and works as a filmmaker in Montreal / Tiohtià:ke / Mooniyang. His experience in sound leads him to explore sonic universes in his films. Others' Gold (2011), has been shown at RIDM, Dok.Fest Munich, Guadalajara, Big Sky. Those Who Come, Will Hear (2018), has won the Jury Award in Ann Arbor, the best documentary in Ficwallmapu Chile and Best Sound at the Gala Quebec Cinema in 2019. Forests (2022), a short exploratory documentary, premiering it at various esteemed events including Cannes Short Film Corner Market, at Krakow FF and at Edinburgh International Film Festival, has won the Art and experimentation Award at Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma and the Jury Award at Trento, Italy in 2023. He will be releasing in 2024 a documentary on blindness caused by armed conflicts under the title of Seeing Through the Darkness.

Diğer Roller

2023Richelieu - Boom Operator
2022Forêts - Director
2022Forêts - Editor
2022Forêts - Producer
2022Forêts - Sound
2022Nouveau-Québec - Sound
2021Bleach - Sound Recordist
2020Sous un même soleil - Sound Mixer
2020Sortir de l'ombre - Sound
2020Far from Bashar - Sound Mixer
2019Kenbe la, jusqu'à la victoire - Sound Mixer
2019Le fond de l'air - Sound Mixer
2019Le fond de l'air - Sound Recordist
2019Chien - Sound
2018Des histoires inventées - Sound Mixer
2018Ceux qui viendront, l’entendront - Director
2018Ceux qui viendront, l’entendront - Director of Photography
2018Ceux qui viendront, l’entendront - Producer
2018Ceux qui viendront, l’entendront - Sound Designer
2018Innu Nikamu: Chanter la résistance - Sound Mixer
2018Yolanda - Sound Mixer
2017Bye - Sound Recordist
2017Primas - Sound Mixer
2017Resurrecting Hassan - Sound Mixer
2015Yasaklı Oda - Sound Mixer
2015Äidin Toive - Sound Mixer
2013Je ne suis pas un grand acteur - Sound Recordist
2012L'or des autres - Director
2012L'or des autres - Director of Photography
2012L'or des autres - Producer
2010Félix et Malou - Sound Mixer
Les yeux ne font pas le regard - Director
Les yeux ne font pas le regard - Producer


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