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Taylor Napier - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Morristown, Tennessee, U.S.
Doğum günü 1989-12-08
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek


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Taylor Napier is an actor,writer and storyteller. After graduating from Emerson College in Boston, MA with a BA in Acting, He moved to Los Angeles. While there he worked in reality TV for shows such as The Voice, Celebrity Wife Swap and Survivor . He also occasionally worked as an actor, model and writer. He appeared in True Blood, various independent features along with short films and a variety of commercials. Two years ago, Taylor picked up and moved again, this time to Logroño - a small town in the heart of Spanish wine country. After relishing in a year of wine-soaked long lunches, abundant sunshine, plenty of writing and teaching English, he traded it all in for the exact opposite… rainy ole London. He's currently completing my MA at the prestigious Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.


2020Crazy, Rich and Deadly as Aaron
2019De blanco la patuda as Luke
2019Letters From the Heart as Lewis
2018Beyond the Rye as Dylan
2018Atacama as John
2017A Closer Walk with Thee as Pastor Taylor

Diğer Roller

2018Atacama - Writer


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