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Inés Duacastella - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler


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Diğer Roller

2024La presentación - Director of Photography
2024Alicia todo el tiempo - Color Grading
2023Los delincuentes - Camera Operator
2023Los delincuentes - Director of Photography
2023Trenque Lauquen - Color Grading
2023Trenque Lauquen - Director of Photography
2023Un Andantino - Director of Photography
2022Barrio modelo - Director of Photography
2022Hace mucho que no duermo - Camera Operator
2022El rostro de la medusa - Director of Photography
2022Hace mucho que no duermo - Director of Photography
2022Clementina - Colorist
2022La Edad Media - Post Producer
2021Ese fin de semana - Director of Photography
2021Primaveras atrás - Director of Photography
2021Nosotros nunca moriremos - Director of Photography
2021Concierto para la batalla de El Tala - Camera Operator
2021Concierto para la batalla de El Tala - Director of Photography
2021Canal 54 - Director of Photography
2019Las poetas visitan a Juana Bignozzi - Director of Photography
2019Un día de caza - Cinematography
2019Por el dinero - Director of Photography
2019Diario de el loro y el cisne - Director of Photography
2019Familia - Director of Photography
2018Ateşin Kızları - Director of Photography
2018La omisión - Director of Photography
2018Esto no es un golpe - Cinematography
2018Las Vegas - Camera Operator
2018Las Vegas - Cinematography
2018Las Vegas - Color Grading
2017La vendedora de fósforos - Director of Photography
2013Mañana todas las cosas - Director of Photography


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