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Della Dartyan - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

4 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Jogjakarta, Indonesia
Doğum günü 1989-12-15
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Della Erawati Dartyan
Della Dartian


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Della Dartyan (born in Yogyakarta, December 15, 1989) is an Indonesian actress and model. She began her career through the 2012-2013 Miss Indonesia election as a representative of Banten Province, and in 2013 she participated in Miss ASEAN 2013 and won the Miss Fotogenic glass. She is best known for role as Arini on Love For Sale (2018).


2024Mukidi as Markonah
2024Ellyas Pical
2023Kisah Tanah Jawa: Pocong Gundul as Rida
2023Sleep Call as Bella
2023Perjanjian Gaib
2023The Day Before The Wedding as Kinan
2022Atas Nama Surga
2022Kambodja as Danti
2022Arini by Love.inc as Arini
2021Akhirat: A Love Story as Mentari
2021Detak as Sukma
2021Tarian Lengger Maut as Sukma
2021Nikah Duluan as Anggi
2019Love for Sale 2 as Arini Chaniago
2019Gundala as Agus' Wife
2019Mahasiswi Baru as Kakak Senior 1
2019Pocong the Origin as Jayanthi
2018Love for Sale as Arini
2017BFF: Best Friends Forever as Teman Summer 2
2011Arwah Kuntilanak Duyung as Neneng
Sakaratul Maut as Wati


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