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Konrad Wolf - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Hechingen, Germany
Doğum günü 1925-10-20
Ölüm 1982-03-07
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Конрад Вольф


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Konrad Wolf was born in Hechingen in 1925 and died in Berlin in 1982. In 1933, his family emigrated to the Soviet Union. At the age of 18, he joined the Red Army and came to Germany as a lieutenant in 1945. He studied Directing at the Moscow Film School in 1949 and worked as an assistant director to Kurt Maetzig at the DEFA Studios in 1953.



Diğer Roller

1982Busch singt – Sechs Filme über die erste Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts - Director
1980Solo Sunny - Director
1980Solo Sunny - Writer
1977Mama, ich lebe - Director
1977Mama, ich lebe - Writer
1974Der nackte Mann auf dem Sportplatz - Director
1974Der nackte Mann auf dem Sportplatz - Writer
1972Der kleine Prinz - Director
1972Sonnensucher - Director
1971Goya – oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis - Director
1971Goya – oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis - Writer
1968Ich war neunzehn - Director
1968Ich war neunzehn - Writer
1964Der geteilte Himmel - Director
1964Der geteilte Himmel - Screenplay
1961Professor Mamlock - Director
1961Professor Mamlock - Writer
1960Leute mit Flügeln - Director
1959Sterne - Director
1957Lissy - Director
1957Lissy - Writer
1956Genesung - Director
1955Einmal ist keinmal - Director
1955Einmal ist keinmal - Writer


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