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Jonni Peppers - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum günü 1997-04-24
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek


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Jonni Peppers is a filmmaker and animator who grew up all over Southern California, moving from place to place and up and down all over. Jonni was homeschooled and spent most of the time making lego movies and not paying attention to anything important. Eventually, Jonni got into traditional animation and went to animation school, got brain poisoned, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. Now Jonni’s dug a hole too deep to get out of and will keep on digging until the world is over.


2024Smelling the Dirt and the Coming Rain as Jonni/Camera
2023Talent Show - Jennifer Dorothy Lee as Herself
2023Stilton's In Charge 2
2022Catopolis as (voice)
2021Barber Westchester as Mayor Winsconsin (voice)
2021Local Middle Schooler as Sneha
2020Jonni Phillips Makes the Best TV Show Ever in 2 Days as Herself
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed
2018mask dog
2018Spell of the West as Yellow Bird
2017Rachel and Her Grandfather Control The Island as President/Scientist
2017Cat City
2015They're Gonna Fight as That Guy / Angel
Take off the Blindfold Adjust Your Eyes Look in the Mirror See the Face of Your Mother

Diğer Roller

2024Smelling the Dirt and the Coming Rain - Director
2024Smelling the Dirt and the Coming Rain - Writer
2024Talent Show - The HANA Center Ghost Busters - Director
2024Talent Show - The HANA Center Ghost Busters - Editor
2024Talent Show - Aram Han Sifuentes - Director
2024Talent Show - Aram Han Sifuentes - Editor
2023Talent Show - Jennifer Dorothy Lee - Cinematography
2023Talent Show - Jennifer Dorothy Lee - Director
2023Stilton's In Charge 2 - Director
2023Stilton's In Charge 2 - Writer
2021Barber Westchester - Animation
2021Barber Westchester - Director
2021Barber Westchester - Writer
2020A Bug's World - Animation
2020Jonni Phillips Makes the Best TV Show Ever in 2 Days - Animation
2020Jonni Phillips Makes the Best TV Show Ever in 2 Days - Director
2020Jonni Phillips Makes the Best TV Show Ever in 2 Days - Writer
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Animation
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Background Designer
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Casting Director
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Character Designer
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Director
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Director of Photography
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Editor
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Executive Producer
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Intern
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Layout
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Legal Services
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Line Producer
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Music
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Production Assistant
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Prop Designer
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Sound Designer
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Storyboard Artist
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Writer
2020A Dog That Smokes Weed - Writers' Assistant
2020Monkeys Who Live in a House - Animation
2020Monkeys Who Live in a House - Director
2020Monkeys Who Live in a House - Writer
2019Wasteland - Director
2019Wasteland - Editor
2019Wasteland - Storyboard Artist
2019Wasteland - Writer
2019The Final Exit of the Disciples of Ascensia - Animation Director
2019The Final Exit of the Disciples of Ascensia - Director
2019The Final Exit of the Disciples of Ascensia - Writer
2018Davis Crosbee: Master of all Things Bread - Director
2018Davis Crosbee: Master of all Things Bread - Writer
2018uber 2: halloween - Director
2018uber 2: halloween - Writer
2018We Are All Dying in the Wasteland - Director
2018We Are All Dying in the Wasteland - Writer
2017Rachel and Her Grandfather Control The Island - Character Designer
2017Rachel and Her Grandfather Control The Island - Director
2017Rachel and Her Grandfather Control The Island - Storyboard Artist
2017Rachel and Her Grandfather Control The Island - Writer
2017Dr. Sam Mulaney's Burden - Animation
2017Dr. Sam Mulaney's Burden - Director
2017Dr. Sam Mulaney's Burden - Writer
2017Family Trouble - Director
2017Family Trouble - Writer
2017Goodbye Forever Party - Animation
2017Goodbye Forever Party - Director
2017Goodbye Forever Party - Sound
2017Goodbye Forever Party - Writer
2017uber - Director
2017uber - Writer
2016Therapy - Director
2016Therapy - Writer
2016Stilton’s in Charge - Director
2016Stilton’s in Charge - Writer
2016The Earth Is Flat - Animation
2016The Earth Is Flat - Director
2016The Earth Is Flat - Writer
2015They're Gonna Fight - Animation
2015They're Gonna Fight - Director
2015They're Gonna Fight - Writer
Take off the Blindfold Adjust Your Eyes Look in the Mirror See the Face of Your Mother - Director
The Cone Layer - Director
Take off the Blindfold Adjust Your Eyes Look in the Mirror See the Face of Your Mother - Writer
The Cone Layer - Writer


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