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Nicolás Teté - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

2 Görüntüler
Doğum günü 1989-11-23


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Nicolás Teté was born on November 23, 1989. He’s a film director major (Universidad del Cine-FUC). He is the producer, director and writer of the fiction movies Last Family Holidays (2013), Onyx (2016) and A skeleton in the closet (2020). He co-directed the documentary Shineless (2018). With these films he took part in festivals like BAFICI, Mar del Plata, Punta del Este, San Diego Latino, San Pablo Latino, LesGaiCineMad, among others.

Diğer Roller

2020Todos tenemos un muerto en el placard o un hijo en el clóset - Director
2020Todos tenemos un muerto en el placard o un hijo en el clóset - Producer
2020Todos tenemos un muerto en el placard o un hijo en el clóset - Writer
2018La vida sin brillos - Director
2018La vida sin brillos - Producer
2018La vida sin brillos - Screenplay
2015Ónix - Director
2015Ónix - Screenplay
2013Últimas vacaciones en familia - Director
2013Últimas vacaciones en familia - Screenplay


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