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Naomi Silver - profili | Sosyallift©

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Doğum yeri Rochester, New York, USA
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek


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Naomi has been involved with the Red Wings her entire life. The Silver family has been devoted to Rochester Community Baseball for over a half century, and Naomi has taken an active role for over three decades, working her way up the corporate ladder. She is the daughter of Morrie and Anna Silver. Morrie literally saved baseball in Rochester, and it is because of the Silver's devotion to the community that Rochester's franchise is among the most revered, respected and the longest continuously operating franchise in all of baseball. Naomi honed her business skills, assuming more responsibility and taking over different aspects of the business, becoming the country's first and only female at the helm of a professional Minor League baseball franchise. As president and CEO of the organization, she has overseen the Red Wings most successful period in its history.


2000Silver Memories as Herself


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