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Frank Castorf - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Berlin, Germany
Doğum günü 1951-07-17


Verdiğin oy:
Toplam: ( 0 skorlar)

Frank Castorf is a German actor, writer, stage and film director and since 1992 the artistic director of the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. His work is often associated with postdramatic theatre.


2020Merveilles à Montfermeil
2019Macht das alles einen Sinn? Und wenn ja − warum dauert es so lange? as Self
2013Hai-Alarm am Müggelsee as Frank Konopke
2005Monte Klamotte - Eine Expedition zum Berliner Schuldenberg

Diğer Roller

2019Bajazet - En considérant Le Théâtre et La Peste - Adaptation
2019Bajazet - En considérant Le Théâtre et La Peste - Director
2018Janácek: From the House of the Dead - Stage Director
2016Der Ring des Nibelungen: Götterdämmerung - Director
2016Der Ring des Nibelungen: Siegfried - Director
2016Der Ring des Nibelungen: Die Walküre - Director
2016Der Ring des Nibelungen: Das Rheingold - Director
2016Der Ring des Nibelungen: Das Rheingold - Stage Director
2006Der Idiot - Director
2006Der Idiot - Screenplay
2000Dämonen - Director
2000Dämonen - Writer
1999Schmutzige Hände - Director
1999Schmutzige Hände - Writer
1997Des Teufels General - Director
1997Des Teufels General - Screenplay
1993Alkestis - Director


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