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Li Chunxiao - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir 李春啸


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Li Chunxiao, male, born in 1981, graduated from Henan University with a degree in Fine Arts. He is one of the top 4 contestants in Hunan TV's "I want to make a movie" national director audition. His works include the short drama "Even the Civilian Workers are Crazy", "Two Eggs", "Kissing Fish", and the film "Three People". Kissing Fish", the film "Three Cowards", the TV series "Fatherhood". He specialises in comedy, suspense and romance.


2019滚动的钢蛋 as 钢蛋

Diğer Roller

2022哥俩儿好 - Director
2021东北老炮儿2 - Director
2021兴风作浪2 - Director
2021兴风作浪3 - Director
2020祖传神探 - Director
2020东北风云 - Director
2019奉天往事 - Director
2019对号入座 - Director
2019滚动的钢蛋 - Director
2019兴风作浪 - Director


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