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Anna Oris - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

4 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Leningrad, USSR
Doğum günü 1988-03-15
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Анна Орис
Anna Orisik


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Toplam: ( 0 skorlar)

Anna Oris was born in Saint-Petersburg City, the Russian Federation. As a child, she pursued a modeling career, but preferred to spend time cultivating her acting, staging small scenes performed for family and friends. She later became known as an actress and TV host; Especially, for Cold Souls (2009), Streets of broken lights (2010), Hours of love(2011), Liteyniy 4 (2013), Nastavniki (2014), Decembrists (2015), Interns (2015), Kazanova's earring (2016), Trace (2017), Witnesses (2017), Detectives (2018). A proud mother of one daughter, she continued to win national and international competitions in the areas of her art and beauty.


2023Gunfight at Rio Bravo as Arlene
2022Night of the Caregiver as Pamela
2021Spooky+ as The Enchantress
2021Кое-что задаром as Jenny
Oksana as Vera


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