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Robert Thurman - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri New York City, New York, USA
Doğum günü 1941-08-03
Anasayfa Ziyaret etmek
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Robert A.F. Thurman
Professor Robert A.F. Thurman
Prof. Robert A.F. Thurman
Bob Thurman


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Robert Alexander Farrar Thurman is an American Buddhist author and academic who has written, edited, and translated several books on Tibetan Buddhism. He held the first endowed chair in Buddhist Studies in the West, the Je Tsong Khapa Chair of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University, until his retirement in June 2019.


2017The Last Dalai Lama? as Self
2017Crazywise as Self – Professor, Buddhist Studies, Colombia University; Author
2013L'arte della felicità as Man in the TV
2011Crazy Wisdom: The Life and Times of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2009Infinity: The Ultimate Trip - Journey Beyond Death as Himself
2004Tibetan Refugee as Himself
2002Robert A.F. Thurman on Tibet as Self
2000Hamlet as Priest
1999God and Buddha: A Dialogue as Himself
1999Robert A.F. Thurman on Buddhism as Self


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