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Steve Rogers - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Cap Amer
Cap. Amer.
Captain America
Steve Gordon
Steven James
Steve James
Steve Rodgers
Steven James Rogers
Roger Waldo


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Diğer Roller

1989Dreamwalk - Sound Engineer
1989FireStorm 3 - Sound Engineer
1989Sinners 3 - Sound
1988Sinners 2 - Production Sound Mixer
1987Snake Eyes 2 - Sound
1987FireStorm II: The Angel Blade - Sound Engineer
1986Sinners - Sound
1986White Women - Sound
1985Lilith Unleashed - Sound
1984Turn On with Kelly Nichols - Sound Recordist
1984Romancing the Bone - Production Sound Mixer
1984New York Vice - Sound
1983That's Outrageous - Sound Mixer
1983That's Outrageous - Sound Recordist
1983Flash Pants - Sound
1983Forgive Me, I Have Sinned - Sound
1983Oriental Techniques in Pain and Pleasure - Sound
1983Succulent - Sound
1983Dr. Bizarro - Sound
1983Getting Ahead - Production Sound Mixer
1983A Night to Dismember - Sound
1982Tales of the Bizarre - Sound
1982The Taming of Rebecca - Production Sound Mixer
1982The Story of Prunella - Sound
1982Peepholes - Sound
1981Beyond Your Wildest Dreams - Sound Engineer
1981Debbie Does Dallas Part II - Sound Mixer
1980The Satisfiers of Alpha Blue - Sound
1979Fantasy - Sound Recordist
1979For Richer for Poorer - Sound Recordist
1978People - Sound Recordist
1976The Human Tornado - Boom Operator


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