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Lucien Greaves - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri Detroit, Michigan, USA
Doğum günü 1976-06-06


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Lucien Greaves, born Douglas Misicko, also known by the pseudonym Douglas Mesner, is a social activist and the spokesman and co-founder of The Satanic Temple. He studied neuroscience with a speciality in false-memory syndrome and graduated from Harvard University.


2019Yaşasın Şeytan? as Self - TST Co-founder
2019KRFT PUNK'S Political Party! as Himself
2017Death Of A Public Paranoid

Diğer Roller

2017Death Of A Public Paranoid - Director
2017Death Of A Public Paranoid - Producer
2017Death Of A Public Paranoid - Writer


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