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Chris Sievey - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Manchester, England, UK
Doğum günü 1954-01-14
Ölüm 2011-06-20
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Frank Sidebottom


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Chris Sievey was an English musician and comedian known for fronting the band The Freshies in the late 1970s and early 1980s and for his comic persona Frank Sidebottom from 1984 onwards and the inspiration for the 2014 film Frank.


2019Being Frank: The Chris Sievey Story as Himself (Archive Material)
2006Timperley Testcard Transmissions: Starring Frank Sidebottom & Little Frank as Frank Sidebottom

Diğer Roller

2019Being Frank: The Chris Sievey Story - Music
2014Frank - In Memory Of
2006Timperley Testcard Transmissions: Starring Frank Sidebottom & Little Frank - Director
2006Timperley Testcard Transmissions: Starring Frank Sidebottom & Little Frank - Writer


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