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Galina Evtushenko - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Voronezh, USSR (Russia)
Doğum günü 1956-02-07
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Галина Евтушенко


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Galina Mikhailovna Evtushenko (Russian: Галина Михайловна Евтушенко; 7 February 1956; Voronezh) is a Russian documentary director, screenwriter, producer. Galina Evtushenko was born in Voronezh . She was educated in Voronezh University in philology and then finished post-graduate course with Master Degree in the All–Russian State Institute of Cinematography (VGIC).She is a director and producer, documentary and feature filmmaker. She was a winner of prestisious national awards, she was a participant of International Film Festivals in Greece, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Sweden, India, USA, Canada, Brasil and the participant of International forums and workshops in Munich, Ebeltoft , New York and in Israel , a member of Jury of International Film Festivals in many countries. Galina is a member of Russian Filmmaker’s Union, member of International Association for Cinema Educators. Lives in Moscow.She is a winner and nominate of different national film awards “Nika”, “Golden Eagle”. Honored Artist of Russia. Moscow Government Laureate in the field of literature and art .

Diğer Roller

2024Сила слабых - Director
2023Cимоновы и Трошкины: Двойной портрет в интерьере эпохи - Director
2022Махатма Хавкин - Director
2022Спасибо, фотограф армейский! - Director
2021Фёдор Шаляпин. Изгнание - Director
2021Фёдор Шаляпин. Изгнание - Producer
2021Фёдор Шаляпин. Изгнание - Screenplay
2019Антон Чехов и Исаак Левитан: двойной портрет в интерьере эпохи - Director
2019Антон Чехов и Исаак Левитан: двойной портрет в интерьере эпохи - Producer
2019Антон Чехов и Исаак Левитан: двойной портрет в интерьере эпохи - Screenplay
2018Русская деревня в немецкой стороне. Александровка - Director
2018Русская деревня в немецкой стороне. Александровка - Screenplay
2018Неизвестный 1917-й - Director
2018Неизвестный 1917-й - Producer
2018Неизвестный 1917-й - Screenplay
2015Лев Толстой и Дзига Вертов: Двойной портрет в интерьере эпохи - Director
2014Лев Толстой и Илья Гинзбург: Двойной портрет на фоне эпохи - Director
2011Михаил Ульянов. О времени и о себе - Director
2005Чердачная история - Director
2003Горе уму, или Эйзенштейн и Мейерхольд: двойной портрет в интерьере эпохи - Director
1997Вожди - Director


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