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Jonah Barnett - profili | Sosyallift©

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Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Jonah Barrett


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Jonah Barnett (née Barrett) (they/them) is a queer filmmaker, writer, and multimedia artist.


2023Boggy as Narrator
2018Skim It! as Chad
2017Bad Faith as Paul
2016The Fabricated Partner of Cody McGuire as Extra Clone #2

Diğer Roller

2023Boggy - Animation
2023Boggy - Director
2023Boggy - Editorial Manager
2023Boggy - Writer
2021Mud Puppy - Director
2021The Tale of Dubious Angel - Director
2021The Groke: A Tragedy in Two Acts - Producer
2021The Tale of Dubious Angel - Writer
2019The Tetrahedron - Director
2018Booger - Director
2018Booger - Writer
2017Bad Faith - Director
2017Bad Faith - Writer
2016The Fabricated Partner of Cody McGuire - Camera Production Assistant
2016The Fabricated Partner of Cody McGuire - Director
2016The Fabricated Partner of Cody McGuire - Editorial Production Assistant
2016The Fabricated Partner of Cody McGuire - Writer


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