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Jean-Daniel Pollet - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri La Madeleine, France
Doğum günü 1936-06-20
Ölüm 2004-09-09


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Jean-Daniel Pollet (1936–2004) was a French film director and screenwriter who was most active in the 1960s and 1970s. He was associated with two approaches to filmmaking: comedies which blended burlesque and melancholic elements, and poetic films based on texts by writers such as the French poet Francis Ponge.


2016Parle-moi encore
2006Jour après jour as Himself
1991Trois jours en Grèce
1975Les Autres as Adam
1964La Nouvelle Vague par elle-même as Self

Diğer Roller

2006Jour après jour - Cinematography
2006Jour après jour - Director
2006Jour après jour - Writer
2001Ceux d'en face - Director
2001Ceux d'en face - Writer
1994Dieu sait quoi - Director
1994Dieu sait quoi - Writer
1991Trois jours en Grèce - Director
1991Trois jours en Grèce - Writer
1990Contre-courant - Director
1990Contretemps - Director
1990L'Arbre et le Soleil - Director
1986Au Père Lachaise - Director
1978Pour mémoire - Director
1978Pour mémoire - Director of Photography
1976L'Acrobate - Director
1976L'Acrobate - Producer
1976L'Acrobate - Writer
1975Les Autres - Producer
1973L'Ordre - Director
1973L'Ordre - Director of Photography
1973L'Ordre - Editor
1973L'Ordre - Sound
1971Le Maître du temps - Director
1971Le Maître du temps - Screenplay
1971Le Sang - Director
1971Le Sang - Executive Producer
1971Le Sang - Writer
1971L'amour c'est gai, l'amour c'est triste - Director
1971L'amour c'est gai, l'amour c'est triste - Scenario Writer
1971César - Director
1968Tu imagines Robinson - Director
1968Drôle de jeu - Director
1967Le Soleil et l'Ombre : Pour Nikos Kazantzaki - Director
1966Le Horla - Director
1966Le Horla - Screenplay
1966Une balle au cœur - Director
1966Une balle au cœur - Writer
1966La Femme aux cent visages - Director
1966Les Morutiers - Director
1965Paris vu par… - Director
1965Paris vu par… - Editor
1965Paris vu par… - Writer
1965Rue Saint-Denis - Director
1965Rue Saint-Denis - Screenplay
1964Bassae - Director
1963Méditerranée - Cinematography
1963Méditerranée - Director
1961Gala - Director
1961Gala - Screenplay
1960La Ligne de mire - Director
1960La Ligne de mire - Editor
1960La Ligne de mire - Writer
1958Pourvu qu'on ait l'ivresse… - Director
1958Pourvu qu'on ait l'ivresse… - Screenplay


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