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Park Sun-woo - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum günü 1970-12-28
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir 박선우
Park Seon-woo
Пак Сон У
Park Seon Woo


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Sunwoo Park debuted as a male duo group ‘Mr.2’ in 1993, and their title track of the first album ‘White Winter’ was loved by many fans. After the group broke up, he has come along in various musical works including ‘I Love You’, ‘Rocky Horror Show’, and ‘Marie Antoinette.’ He also showed stable acting power in many film works such as ‘So cute(2004)’, ‘No Mercy For The Rude(2006)’, ‘Highway Star(2007)’, and ‘Where the Truth Lies(2009).’ Major drama works including MBC ‘Time Between Dog and Wolf’, ‘Empress Ki’, and KBS ‘Jingbirok’ prove that he is also talented in drama works.


2022유투부: 파산자 클럽 as Moneylender
2019은지: 돌이킬 수 없는 그녀 as Inspector Lee
2017여자전쟁: 여자의 이유 as Kwan-soo (관수)
2008지구에서 사는 법
2004귀여워 as Dog Nose
2001봄날은 간다 as Jung-gook


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