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Andrea Fabre Rosario - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri San Juan, Puerto Rico
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Fabre


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Andrea Fabre Rosario is a Puerto Rican producer, editor and assistant director. She completed her communications degree at the University of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras, Puerto Rico in 2020 where she was awarded with Academic Distinctions and Student Recognition by The School of Communications. She co-produced, edited, and worked as an assistant director in the short film 400 Petals (2020) and the documentary Midwife: An Empowered Birth (2020). She was also co-host and editor for the web series The Trending Spot (2020) produced by Enfoque International Film Festival. For 400 Petals, she received the Best National Short Film Award by Enfoque International Film Festival, as well as a nomination for Best Editing. The short received 7 awards in total from Enfoque International Film Festival. She’s a part of the production house Producciones 1019 and is working on new projects.

Diğer Roller

2021Perfume de gardenias - Production Assistant
2020Intermitente - Assistant Camera
2020Comadrona: un parto empoderado - Assistant Director
2020Comadrona: un parto empoderado - Co-Producer
2020Comadrona: un parto empoderado - Director of Photography
2020Comadrona: un parto empoderado - Editor
2020400 Pétalos - Assistant Director
2020400 Pétalos - Color Assistant
2020400 Pétalos - Editor
2020400 Pétalos - Executive Producer
2019Derecho de Réplica - Assistant Director
2019Début et fin - Director
2019Début et fin - Editor
2019Début et fin - Music
2019Début et fin - Writer


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