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Line: 380
Jan-David Bolt - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri


Verdiğin oy:
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Born and raised in a small village in the Swiss-German speaking part of Switzerland. Dropped out of his German and English literature studies for film. Has a fondness for grotesque and absurd stories.

Diğer Roller

2024God's Anus - Casting
2024God's Anus - Director
2024God's Anus - Writer
2021Talponi - Gaffer
2021Phlegm - Director
2021Phlegm - Writer
2021Danzamatta - Assistant Camera
2021Danzamatta - Editor
2021Danzamatta - Gaffer
2020Oltre la crosta - Co-Director
2019Nero - Director
Dentro la luce - Co-Director
Dentro la luce - Director of Photography


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