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Susannah Gent - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri


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Susannah Gent is a filmmaker, artist, and lecturer in film production at Sheffield Hallam University. Her films that have gained awards at international film festivals over the past twenty years explore experimental narrative approaches to representing subjectivity.


2017Unhomely Street as She / I
2010The Reynard Diary

Diğer Roller

2020Psychotel - Director
2020Scanner - Director
2017Influence of Mars - Director
2017Unhomely Street - Director
2015Snake Shifter and the Bone Chair - Director
2015Snake Shifter and the Bone Chair - Writer
2013Pregnant Pussy Mash Up - Director
2010The Reynard Diary - Director
2005The Dance Project - Director
2004Jelly Dolly - Director
2004Jelly Dolly - Producer
2004Jelly Dolly - Writer
2000Bedhead - Director
1998Bun - Director
1996Blue Movie - Director
1995Melvyn's Pencils - Director
1995The Bather - Director
1995Melvyn's Pencils - Writer
1995The Bather - Writer
1994Black Bag - Director
1994Black Bag - Writer
1993Thread - Director
1993Thread - Writer


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