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Milton Secchi - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Santa Fe, Argentina
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Milton Secchi Naput


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Milton Secchi (Argentina) was born in 1988 in Santa Fe, Argentina. He finished his studies at ENERC (National School of Experimentation and Filmmaking), in 2009. He has made several short films that have been screened in national and international festivals. He is interested in the field between film, archive and visual arts with a particular interest in the crossing of the intimate and the social with everyday life.

Diğer Roller

2023Rituales de registro - Director
2021The Visitors - Director
2021Una escuela en Cerro Hueso - Assistant Director
2020Santa Fe - notas, 2017-2019 - Director
2020Santa Fe - notas, 2017-2019 - Producer
2020Santa Fe - notas, 2017-2019 - Writer
2016Un hombre que no supo adónde ir - Editor
2016La helada negra - Assistant Director
2014AB - Editor
2011Lo-Fi - Director
2011Lo-Fi - Producer
2011Lo-Fi - Writer
2010Verano - Director
2010Verano - Editor
2010Verano - Producer
2010Verano - Writer
2007Pozo ciego - First Assistant Director
2007Pozo ciego - Production Assistant


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