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Quoc Bao Tran - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Olympia, Washington, USA
Doğum günü 1980-11-18


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Mentored by master action director Corey Yuen, Bao's approach draws on spectacle through story and character. Screen Anarchy praised his written-and-directed short 'Bookie' for its "flawlessly realized world driven by a compelling narrative and brought to sumptuous life." His editing credits include 'Cho Lon', one of Southeast Asia's highest-budgeted action blockbusters, and 'Jackpot', a heartfelt comedy selected as Vietnam's official entry to the 2016 Oscars for Best Foreign Film. 'The Paper Tigers' is an upcoming indie action-drama-comedy that will be his first feature film as director. Ain't It Cool News enthusiastically declared Bao as "a director I expect to see big things from."


2009Bookie as Stagehand

Diğer Roller

2020The Paper Tigers - Director
2020The Paper Tigers - Producer
2020The Paper Tigers - Writer
2020Be Water - Thanks
2009Bookie - Director
2009Bookie - Writer


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