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Sean Berube - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Leicester, Massachusetts, USA
Doğum günü 1975-10-11


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Sean Berube is a multi-talented individual who embarked on an extraordinary journey from law enforcement to the world of entertainment. With a dedicated 30-year career in law enforcement, Sean built a reputation for unwavering commitment and fearlessness. However, Sean's passion for storytelling and a desire to explore a different path led to a remarkable transformation. Inspired by a love for action-packed movies and a lifelong dream, he decided to transition into the world of acting and stunt work. Determined and driven, Sean embarked on a new adventure. He trained rigorously, honing his acting skills and mastering the art of stunts. His background in law enforcement brought invaluable discipline and fearlessness to his new career. With each role and stunt, Sean continued to push the boundaries, captivating audiences with his versatility and daring feats. His unique journey from law enforcement to the world of entertainment serves as a testament to the power of following one's passion and embracing new opportunities.


2024Snatched as Mansion Security
2022Wrath of the Viper Sniper as Viper Sniper
2022Kalplerimiz Bir as Marine
2022Lord of the Streets as MMA Gym Member, SWAT
2021War of the Worlds: Annihilation as Alien General
2021Kral Richard: Yükselen Şampiyonlar as Tennis Coach
2020A Cry in the Night: The Legend of La Llorona as Connor
2019Exposure as SWAT Team Captain
ID EST as Captain Thomson


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