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Léonie Hurtubise - profili | Sosyallift©

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Léonie Hurtubise graduated from the Cultural Production program at UQAM in 2017. She worked as a coordinator for the independent production company Colonelle films, based in Montreal. Having found her professional family, Léonie continues her career as a producer of emerging projects in both short and feature formats. Her films have been screened at prestigious festivals such as TIFF, Raindance, FNC, Regard, and more.

Diğer Roller

2023À mort le bikini! - Producer
2023Les battues - Producer
2022À la vie à l'amor - Producer
2021Miette - Producer
2020Madame Mollard - Producer
2017Bête noire - Producer
Gender Reveal - Producer
Le chant du coq - Producer


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