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Lisheng Zhang - profili | Sosyallift©

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Lisheng Zhang is a LA based freelance director/cinematographer/editor who has a MFA degree in Film and TV Production from USC School of Cinematic Arts. He also has a production background in China as a creative director/photographer in an agency. During his time at USC, he has developed multiple talents in writing, directing, editing, high-end cameras, VFX and color grading. He is wide open to learn and master any aspect of the skills and any genre/topic of storytelling. This attitude makes him a well rounded filmmaker who has experience and a little bit knowledge of everything. In 2019, he directed his thesis film EXPIRATION, which has been selected by many film festivals, and ready to take a step into the industry.

Diğer Roller

2019Expiration - Director
2019Expiration - Writer
2019Dreamtale - Cinematography
2019Dreamtale - Director
2019Dreamtale - Editor
2019Dreamtale - Producer
2019Dreamtale - Visual Effects
2019Dreamtale - Writer
2019昨日电话亭 - Special Effects
2017Time Caller - Director
2017Time Caller - Sound Effects Editor
2017Time Caller - Visual Effects Designer
2017Time Caller - Writer


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