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Mousam Gurung - profili | Sosyallift©

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Ayrıca şöyle bilinir मौसम गुरुङ


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Mousam Gurung is a well-known name in the field of Nepali folk music. He was born in Gorkha. There was a musical atmosphere in his house too. The same musical atmosphere at home inspired him to take up music. Mousam, who dreamed of becoming a skilled singer from an early age, is now known as a successful singer in the field of Nepali music. So far, more than 100 songs have been recorded in his voice.


2021डाँडैमा टुनी छ
2021COME & GO カム・アンド・ゴー as Mousan
2021रुमाल हातैमा
2021माछी लेवैमा
2020ओइ काली
2019हारे मैले
2018सुन कथा

Diğer Roller

2022मुग्लिन पुल तरि - Songs
2021डाँडैमा टुनी छ - Songs
2021रुमाल हातैमा - Songs
2021सुक्यो बग्ने खोला - Songs
2021माछी लेवैमा - Music
2021माछी लेवैमा - Songs
2021एक्लो हुनी बनायौ - Music
2021एक्लो हुनी बनायौ - Songs
2020गौंथली - Songs
2020बस पर्खेर - Songs
2020ओइ काली - Music
2020ओइ काली - Songs
2019हारे मैले - Songs
2019आमा - Producer


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