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Isabelle Stever - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

1 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Munich, Germany
Doğum günü 1963-02-01


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Born in Munich, Germany in 1963. She studied maths at TU Berlin and then film directing at the DFFB. Her graduation film Portrait of a Married Couple won the First Steps Award. Since then, her feature films have regularly been invited to international festivals. Alongside her work as a director and screenwriter, she is also a lecturer at the DFFB, the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, the Moscow School of New Cinema and the Petersburg School of New Cinema. In 2021, she had a residency at the Villa Aurora in Los Angeles.


1995Kız Kardeşimin Şansı as Junge Frau

Diğer Roller

2022Grand Jeté - Director
2022Der Weibliche Körper Meines Geliebten - Director
2015Das Wetter in geschlossenen Räumen - Director
2015Das Wetter in geschlossenen Räumen - Editor
2015Das Wetter in geschlossenen Räumen - Writer
2010Glückliche Fügung - Director
2010Glückliche Fügung - Writer
2009Deutschland 09 - 13 kurze Filme zur Lage der Nation - Director
2005Gisela - Director
2005Gisela - Screenplay
2002Erste Ehe - Director
2002Erste Ehe - Editor
2002Erste Ehe - Writer
1997Requiem für etwas, das sehr klein ist - Director
1997Requiem für etwas, das sehr klein ist - Editor
1997Requiem für etwas, das sehr klein ist - Writer


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