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Matthew Roveto - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Matt Roveto


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Matthew is based out of NYC, with roots in Boston. He primarily works in narrative content and music videos, with an eye for intimate, carefully crafted images. He is a graduate of North Carolina School of the Arts with a BFA in Cinematography. Matthew's most recent work includes feature film, Summoning Sylvia and commercial content for Patron. His short films have screened at a variety of festivals including the New Orleans Film Festival, Maryland Film Festival, Crested Butte Film Festival, and can be found online on NoBudge.

Diğer Roller

2024Nepotism, Baby! - Director of Photography
2023Summoning Sylvia - Director of Photography
2022Lollygag - Director of Photography
2020Faraway Eyes - Grip
2019August - Cinematography
2019August - Producer
Cave People - Director of Photography
Grip - Director of Photography


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