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Jack Davis - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

Doğum yeri Los Angeles, California, USA
Doğum günü 1914-04-05
Ölüm 1992-11-03
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Jackie Davis


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1983Getting It On as Party Guest
195680 Günde Devr-i Alem as Extra (uncredited)
1948Tap Roots as Militia Captain (uncredited)
1947Pursued as Doctor (uncredited)
1947Blondie's Big Moment as Mr. Greenleaf
1946Lady in the Lake as Policeman (Uncredited)
1946Night Editor as District Attorney Bill Halloran (Uncredited)
1946Up Goes Maisie as Jonathan Marbey
1941Drawing Account as Reynolds (Engineer)
1924Fast Company as Jack McChicken
1923Sunday Calm as Jack Tucker
1923Derby Day as Jack
1923Stage Fright as Jack
1923Lodge Night as John 'Jack' Davis
1923Dogs of War! as Jack
1923Back Stage as Jack
1923Boys to Board as Jack
1923A Pleasant Journey as Jack
1923The Big Show as Jack
1923The Cobbler as Jack
1923The Champeen as Jackie "Tuffy"
1922A Quiet Street as Jack
1922One Terrible Day as Jack

Diğer Roller

1962On the Beat - Screenplay
1959Follow a Star - Screenplay
1956Up in the World - Screenplay


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