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Sangeerthana Vipin - profili | Sosyallift©

Profil Görüntüleri

3 Görüntüler
Doğum yeri Nileshwar, Kasargod,Kerala
Doğum günü 2002-11-06
Ayrıca şöyle bilinir Sangeertana Vipin
Sangeerathana Vipin
Sangeeratana Vipin
Sangirathana Vipin
Sangiratana Vipin
Sangirthana Vipin
Sangirtana Vipin


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Sangeerthana Vipin was born on November 6, 2002, in Nileshwar, Kasargod, Kerala. She is the daughter of Vipin and Seema. Sangeerthana is a young and promising talent in the Indian film industry. She made her debut in cinema with the film Narakasura. Currently, she is pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree with a focus on Travel and Tourism. Sangeerthana's dedication to both her education and her budding film career is commendable. She believes in the importance of academic growth alongside her creative pursuits. Sangeerthana Vipin's journey from the tranquil town of Nileshwar to the silver screen is a testament to her passion and commitment to the world of entertainment. With a promising debut and a focus on expanding her horizons in the travel and tourism industry, she is poised for a bright future.


2023ഹിഗ്വിറ്റ as Sharanya
காடுவெட்டி as Dakshayani
అసురగణ రుద్ర as Darshana


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