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Karin Miyagi - profili | Sosyallift©

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Born in 1992 in Okinawa Prefecture. She played the lead character in, “Under the Same Sky”, a Vietnam Television and Ryuku Asahi Broadcasting collaboration drama released in 2017. Critically acclaimed, it won the Local Drama Award at the 2017 Tokyo Drama Awards. Also, Karin was awarded Okinawa Times Art Merit Awards, the highest in Okinawa. In 2020, launching her entrepreneurial career, Karin produced a series project, Project Chimuganasa. Its debut began with a photo exhibition titled in likeness, Chimuganasa at the National Theatre Okinawa. In 2021, Karin shot her first short movie Chimuganasa.



Diğer Roller

2023海の見える街で - Director
2023海の見える街で - Editor
2023海の見える街で - Writer
2022肝愛さ - Director


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